
2024-03-22 Dr. Leslyn Lewis, lawyer and Member of Parliament for the Conservative Party of Canada, has submitted the highly significant petition e-4623 to Parliament, which has garnered 90,089 signatures. The first point of this petition is related to this current issue.
2024-03-18 The final meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) has started. This meeting will end on March 28.
2024-02-21 The letter V1.0.3 was sent via email to New-Brunswick MP for Tobic-Mactaquac.
2023-11-20 The Canadian delegation, consisting of Global Affairs Canada and representatives to the UN in Geneva, meets with WHO representatives to discuss, among other topics, the International Health Regulations and the work of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body.
2023-03-21 The Canadian government launches a Stakeholder Engagement Forum to discuss the WHO Pandemic Treaty, inviting over 100 participants from various sectors.
2022-10-18 More than 40 parliamentarians from 30 different countries sign a Memorandum of Understanding with UNITE, Parliamentarians Network for Global Health, to strengthen WHO engagement with parliaments. Canadian members include Mohamed Iqbal Ravalia, Hon. Marcus Powlowski, Hon. Sonia Sidhu, and Hon. Robert Oliphant.
2022-09-15 Deadline for member states to submit written input into the working draft of the WHO Pandemic Treaty. Canada submits recommendations for the treaty to include legally binding elements and to be inclusive and defined by an all-hazards approach.
2022-08-22 Regional consultations on the WHO Pandemic Treaty have begun.
2022-05-27 At the WHA meeting, controversial amendments proposed by the U.S. that would have expanded WHO powers were defeated. There was an agreement to form the WGIHR to work on future amendments to the IHR.